Congratulations! We
are happy to announce that you are a member of our 2024 - 2025 Competition
Team! We were very impressed with the amount of
talent that we had at auditions. You all should be very proud of yourselves! We
are super excited for the upcoming season, and we look forward to seeing you
all at Summer Classes! Thank you everyone, we look
forward to an amazing year!
Dance Expressions Dance Company
Advanced Summer Intensive
Zoey Laga
Breana Scola
Ayva Toma
Emily Zimmerman
Josie Zimmerman
Intermediate Summer Intensive
Hartley Bouchard
Lillian Carroll
Catherine Duquet
Eloise Dyer
Camden Ferrari
Aubrey Haxter
Cadence Kubisiak
Juliette LoPiccolo
Brooklyn McCain (Some Advanced)
Scarlet McCain
Olivia Moss
Rylee Raymo
Cora Schroerlucke
Payton Spiegel
Sydney Spaedt
McKenna Thiel
Lexi Siler (Some Advanced)
Tai Lin Wong
* If you are 10 and up, please add junior classes *
Elementary/Mini (Some Intermediate) Intensive
Khera Epps
Ellyana Krysiak
Lilliana Offer
Elysia Ryan
Avelyn Thiel
Kinder/Mini/Elem Summer Intensive
Harley Adamski
Eliza Dyer
Alyssa Piggott
Brielle Socia
Isabel Stanley
*Group Dances will be announced after Summer Classes*
Interested in supporting DEDC? Come see our dancers compete this Spring!
January 17 - January 19
Intrigue Dance Competition and Convention
Sommerset Inn
March 14 - March 16
KAR Dance Competition
April 11 - April 13
Turn It Up Dance
John Armstrong Performing Arts Center
May 16 - May 18
Hall of Fame Dance Challenge
Macomb Center for Performing Arts
Competition Dress Rehearsal
Sunday, March 9th
Please arrive by 11:40 am
Competition Auditions
Attire: Please wear leotard and tights with a pair of spandex shorts. Jazz shoes required. Please make sure hair is in a tight bun,
pinned with hair sprayed back. Boys please wear black dance pants/Shorts with a white
fitted shirt.
Audition will include a technique
portion, followed by a short combination.
We’re looking for strength and flexibility, strong dance technique in
leg lifts, turns & leaps in the demonstration of the choreography. SHOWMANSHIP is extremely important---SMILE!!!You don’t have to be a perfect dancer, but we are looking for dancers
who respond and improve when given instructions. All applicants should use this
audition as an opportunity to grow as dancers.
A strong work ethic, willingness to work
hard, good attitude, and team support are a must if trying out. Placement for all teams, duets, and trios
will be made by the audition panel. Please do not question the placement of
your dancer as the teachers have your child’s best interest in mind when
placing them. Placement is based on many factors and the teaching panels’
decisions are final.
The Dance Expressions Competition Team
requires a strong commitment, hard work, dedication, a passion for dance, and a
drive for self-improvement. Being part of our competition team is an experience
your child won’t forget and the friendships they develop are priceless. You will be a part of an exciting and awesome group of
girls, directed by Sheryl and Shannon Einhardt.
Being a part of The Dance Expressions Competition Team is a self-esteem
building, energetic, and priceless learning experience. You will be amazed by
how much your child will accomplish and learn in this program.
Summer Intensive Required for all members of the Competition Team