Dance Expressions Dance Studio
"Dance is where your heart is"
Fall Classes Start September

   Home      Fall Schedule 2024 - 2025

Dance Expressions Dance Studio

27421 Harper Ave. St. Clair Shores, MI 48081

(586) 775-2351

2024 - 2025 CLASS SCHEDULE

Classes Begin Monday, September 9th

*Class times and days are subject to change due to the number of students enrolled in a class. An alternate class may be scheduled if it does not meet the required capacity.

*Students are usually placed in a class according to their age. When they get into more advanced levels, they will be placed in classes according to their individual potential and capabilities. Length of training does not determine placement.

*During the first few weeks, the teachers will be evaluating all students. They will determine if any class changes need to be made. If so, you will be notified.

*You will be directed to Dance room A or B on your first day of class. 

*Tuition is a Full Seasonal tuition (September to mid June) that is divided into 10 monthly payments for your convenience.  Credits will not be applied for absences or Holidays.  Some months may be 2, 3, 4 or 5 weeks long.