Dance Expressions Dance Studio
"Dance is where your heart is"
Fall Classes Start September

   Home      Dress Code

BALLETPink ballet slippers, a solid color leotard and pink tights.  Hair must be worn in a tight bun!  NO PONY TAILS.  Boys are to wear black dance pants and a fitted white t-shirt or tank, black ballet shoes for the boys.  Ballet dress code is strictly enforced.  Please do not risk sitting out of class.

Ballet Rosa leotards

TAP, JAZZ AND POM…Dancewear must always be worn.  Leotards and tights are required.  Dance pants and dance shorts only.  NO STREET CLOTHES such as shorts, jeans or snap pants will be allowed.  No specific colors are required.  Hair must be up in a ponytail; shorter hair must use barrettes and be clipped up. 

LYRICAL/CONTEMPORARY AND MODERN…Leotards and convertible tights must be worn.  No long pants.  Spandex shorts or to the knee dance pants only.  Barefoot or Turners, Teen/Senior Dancers may wear Apolla Contemporary Socks.

Modern Dance Dress - EtsyFree Contemporary Dance Class for kids aged 8-12, Heart and Sole Performing  Arts, Surprise, 9 DecemberDance Avenue – Family Oriented, Artistically Motivated!

HIP HOP…Loose fitting sweats or dance pants are acceptable.  Tank tops and crop tops are ok.  Jazz or hip hop shoes required.

LOLANTA Girls Hip Hop Dance Clothes Street Dance Outfit Crop Top Pants Set  – LOlanta Official Site

SHOES…Shoes vary from class to class. Be sure to check at registration what type of shoe will be needed.

ALL DANCERS… Please come on time and prepared to dance.  If you need to change at the studio, please give yourself enough time so you do not enter class late.  Entering class late is very disruptive and disrespectful to the instructor and your classmates.  Students who are more than 15 minutes late to class will be asked to sit out.  (Instructor’s discretion).

The dress code will be strictly enforced.  If a student chooses to ignore the code, they will be asked to sit out that day.